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The Dangote Integrated Refinery

Dr Adeleke Oyenusi 4th Mar 2024 09:57:12 Politics, Development  0


The Dangote Refinery is an oil refinery owned by the Dangote group. The early plan was unveiled in early September 2013. The Refinery is situated on 6180 acres of land which was sited at the Lekki Free Trade zone, Lekki Lagos state Nigeria. As of 2023, the Dangote refinery is the seventh-largest oil refinery in the world. This project is a beacon of hope for the people of Nigeria and the entire world. It started to produce diesel and aviation fuel on 13 January 2024. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) investment is equivalent to USD 2.76 billion.

Kudos to the management and the Nigerian government, who did everything needed to kickstart the project despite delays.


The advantages of this edifice are enormous:

  • It will help eliminate unpalatable NNPC crude-for-product swaps. Whilst receiving six million barrels of crude from the NNPC, it will meet 100% of Nigeria's requirements for refined products (45 million liters of gasoline, 14 million liters of diesel, ten million liters of kerosene and two million liters of aviation fuel per day).
  • It will create a surplus to be exported to West Africa, neighboring countries and needy parts of the world, thereby bringing in billions of dollars in foreign exchange earnings for the nation annually. These billions of dollars were previously spent on fuel imports.
  • It will boost our small and medium enterprises, and our local businesses will thrive, including food chains and semi-finished products.
  • It will increase government revenues accruing from taxes and corporate royalties.
  • It will reduce or end the much-talked-about fuel subsidy.
  • It will enable the NNPC to guarantee an uninterrupted adequate supply of crude oil to allow production capacities to be met.
  • It will help reshape Nigeria's economy and position our country as a global energy player.
  • It will transform our oil trading, making us self-sufficient in powering our cars, trucks and generators, which were lucrative markets for the Europeans and the Americas for fuel production.
  • It will help reduce carbon emissions, allowing Nigeria to meet its carbon obligation by 2050.
  • It will be a game changer for Nigeria, poised to generate about 100,000 jobs directly or indirectly, with over 6,400 Indians, 3,500 Chinese and the rest Nigerians.
  • It has 435 MW of integrated energy independence, with the possibility of supplying some of the surplus to Lagos State

All Nigerians pray that the project will succeed. It will help bring formidable strength to Nigeria's economy


We should also be mindful of both internal and external economic saboteurs because of the worldwide magnitude of the economic, political, and social significance of this enormous project. This edifice should not be undermined.

Likewise, we must be wary of business factors such as saboteurs, especially the product service management marketers whose interest is making huge profits to the detriment of the poor masses. They will not hesitate to sabotage the gains of this edifice.

Nigeria's security architects should play a significant role in making sure that our national pride is secured and protected by our federal security agencies at all costs, even though the conglomerate has internal security arrangements.

Alhaji Dangote is a world-renowned industrialist with a vast acumen in the management of gigantic projects. He is a finisher.


Only time will tell the significance of the long-awaited introduction of production at the Dangote Integrated Refinery. We expect this project to improve Nigeria's situation by lowering the pump prices of petrol and diesel for local consumption.

The Nigerian government and the Nigerian people should rally around this project to support and make sure from its inception that it is successful. If properly managed, it will be a game changer for the Nigerian oil industry


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