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Peruse and consume with equanimity


Dr Adeleke Oyenusi 30th May 2024 20:26:15 Politics  0


Today the 29th of May, 2024, marks one full year since the inception of Alhaji Bola Ahmed Tinubu to the Prestigious position of the Nigerian Presidency.  It was and is a time of missed feelings and emotions.

People were optimistic that he will perform a miracle to ameliorate the long suffering of Nigerians.

Little did we know that we will be gnashing our teeth with difficult challenges in everything – inadequacy and soaring prices of both essential and non essential commodities.

A lot of Nigerian household are not celebrating the one year anniversary of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. The hardship in the land is compelling. The whole country is quiet.

The Nigerians are quick to design another word for the dictionary "JAPA". A slang and syndrome to migrate out of Nigeria due to the hardship faced.

Nigeria and Nigerians are going  through a lot for daily survival.  We are in great trouble and danger. Everywhere you turn to, its about COMPLAINS UPON COMPLAINS.

"ILU LE" is the common slang by Nigerians though the economic hardship is worldwide but that of Nigeria is out of proportion.

There is no where you turn to that there are no complains of economic hardship beliguring our nation.  From lack of adequate uninterrupted electricity to soaring food prices to high energy costs, insecurity, lack of social amenities including bad roads network to health care challenges.

We thought the CBN governor has been able  to master the art of bringing the rate of Naira to either dollars or pounds sterling down thereby stabilising the Naira, but unfortunately the stability was short lived.

We were cajoled with the belief that the Dangote refinery, Port Harcourt refinery coming on board will bring an ease to the life of Nigerian transporters and merchandisers with lowering fuel pump prices. But unfortunately the reverse is the case.

People are dying needlessly in Nigeria due to even lack of funds to go to the hospital. Health care is not aforedable and even when it is available, most of the public hospitals are less equipped with modern equipments for surgical needs.

I tend to imagine that we have the Minister for Agriculture?. What are his policies to make agricultural products cheap and aforedable to Nigerians. Our lands are fertile and arable that it beats one's imagination the terrible exorbitant prices for our agricultural products been sold locally in the markets, that they are no more unaffordable to our citizens. Eggs are unaffordable, goats, fish, ram and cows are been sold at unbearable prices.

Talking about power generation. It beats one's imagination that Nigerias electricity produced for consumption is not more than 5000 Megawats over the years in a country of over 200 million people.  To make things worse our electricity consumption are now in bands and even then it's either not aforedable and not even available.

Nigeria has not been able to meet up with our quota of about 2.3 million barrels of crude daily from OPEC. If we are lucky we might have been able to fulfil just about 1.5 million barrels per day. What are we doing to jack this up as this is our top foreign exchange earner.

Our security agents have not been able to deal with the problem of security for our nation adequately.  

We believe if the EFCC is able to do its work efficiently with the collaboration of the judiciary, most of the embezzled money could have been taken back to the government purse. The money embezzled is believed to be over 500 billion dollars. But there operations are been hindered.

This money if recovered is enough to stabilize the Naira and improve our Economy.

There is a general decrease in the standard of living.

Our Vice President Alhaji Shetima informed us that about 90 billion Naira was earmarked for Haj pilgrimage this year. I believe this was a total wastage.  The money could have been wisely spent in acquiring tractors etc for boosting our agricultural production. Religious pilgrimage either Christian or Muslim is an individual private affair.

They say they are working but we cannot see improvements in our life.

According to VI Lenin the founder of the Russian revolution, he says in one of his writings, "our situation is like one leg movement in front and twice backward movement".

The lists of to do are enormous!

One year after, can we say we cannot see road to prosperity and good governance and better life for us citizens of this great nation Nigeria? Its disappointing!!

What can we actually boast of with this government. Apart from suffering and smiling!

The Minister whose work is visible and noticed is Demola Ojo, the Minister of Interior who has been able to transform the Immigration services with international passport been issued on time and the introduction of the e-gate at our international airport. Kudos to him on that. He should be applauded. Hope this will not in  the future degenerate into backwardness? He has scored over 60% of my pass mark. It is worthy to note that Interior department is not only about the issuance of passports and Immigration services. He still needs to look closely at the other areas of his Ministry to bring colossal changes and sanity to other sections of his Ministry.

Our police needs better salaries, better equipped with modern equipments and better working conditions to be able to safe guide us so as  not to live in fear. They should all have proper insurance policy so that they can give better services.

After today's appraisal, all under performing Ministers need to go and be replaced by hungary ones that are ready and eager to do the job to make meaningful impact on the nation.

We as Nigerians both home and abroad are sick and tired of excuses! He is still new on the job?Give him more time? Excuse me? How long do we still have to wait for? Until when his 4 years elapses?

This is to let us know that before coming to the Prestigious position you need to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that you have the ability and capacity to make changes that will affect positively our citizens with great plans which needs execution from the first day of inception of the Prestigious office.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, there is no time. Please put the Nigerian economy and the nation on the path of progress and  growth so that we the citizens of Nigeria both home and abroad can feel the AMELIORATION IN OUR LIFE.

Can we in our life time enjoy a dignified life? A life full of optimism for a better Nigeria.

Nigeria will and should be great. We shall survive.

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