Nigeria - New Monetary Policy

An Open Letter to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu: Reflections on Your First Nine Months in Office

Dear Mr. President,

As the sun rises over our great nation, I pen this letter to you—a reflection on your journey during the initial nine months of your presidency. The weight of leadership rests upon your shoulders, and the hopes of millions accompany you.

1. The Inauguration: A Moment of Promise

On that historic day, May 29, 2023, you stepped onto the grand stage, the echoes of democracy resonating. The oath you took was not merely ceremonial; it bound you to the dreams and aspirations of Nigerians. You inherited a legacy—a tapestry woven by your predecessors, each thread representing triumphs and trials.

2. Campaign Promises: A Pact with the People

Your desire to lead was no secret. The campaign trail crackled with energy as you crisscrossed the nation, promising change. The masses listened, their hearts yearning for transformation. You pledged to lift the downtrodden, dismantle corruption, and steer our ship toward prosperity. The people believed in you.

3. Policy Decisions: A Double-Edged Sword

The corridors of power echoed with debates. Policies emerged—some greeted with applause, others with furrowed brows. The removal of fuel subsidies—a contentious move. The currency devaluation—a bitter pill. The market economy model—a gamble. Nigerians grappled with the consequences—their pockets lighter, their hopes heavier.

4. The Cry of the People: A Symphony of Suffering

In the marketplaces, on dusty streets, and in humble homes, voices rise. The weeping mother, unable to afford medicine for her feverish child. The laborer, toiling under the scorching sun, wages shrinking. The elderly, their pensions eroded by inflation. Poverty, once silent, now screams—a cacophony of despair.

5. The Road Ahead: A Tightrope Walk

Mr. President, the path forward is treacherous. The tightrope between progress and populism threatens to snap. The hungry masses demand relief; the markets clamor for stability. You balance on this precipice, your decisions echoing through generations. The ghosts of leaders past whisper counsel—heed it well.

6. Hope Rekindled: A Collective Endeavor

Hope is not a solitary flame; it thrives in unity. As you navigate these turbulent waters, remember that leadership is not a monologue—it is a dialogue with destiny. Engage with the people, listen to their cries, and recalibrate. The legacy you forge will be etched in the hearts of Nigerians.

7. The 16th President: A Chapter Unfolding

You are the 16th President of our Federal Republic—a number laden with significance. May it symbolize renewal, resilience, and responsibility. Let your tenure be marked not by rhetoric but by action. Lift the fallen, mend the broken, and ignite the embers of hope.

In closing, Mr. President, the clock ticks. The next nine months beckon—a canvas awaiting your strokes. May your legacy be one of compassion, courage, and change.
A Concerned Citizen

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The Imperative For Economic And Administrative Planning

The Art and Science of Economics: How AI is Revolutionizing an Age-Old Field

Administrative Planning

For for developing economies, particularly those in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, the economic dance plays on a stage with unique challenges. Limited infrastructure, volatile markets, and social inequalities can disrupt the rhythm, hindering growth and prosperity. This is where administrative planning takes center stage. By analyzing economic trends, predicting future needs, and allocating resources strategically, planners aim to orchestrate a more harmonious and equitable performance

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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Intelligent Logistics

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